St. Peter is the patron saint of (among other things), "cordwainers," which is a specific kind of shoemaker who makes shoes from new leather. In the olden days, "cobblers" were allowed to repair shoes, and to make shoes out of old leather, but only members of the cordwainers' guild could make you a shoe from new leather.
Under Catholic doctrine, you can call on St. Peter to help you in dealing with frenzy, fever, or foot problems.
Some Protestant faiths say that Peter never existed at all, let alone existed and was Jesus' disciple and was crucified upside-down at his own request because he didn't feel worthy to be crucified the same way Jesus had been.
When people say St Peter they are almost always talking about the Peter who palled around with Jesus and now holds the keys to Heaven. They are probably never talking about St. Peter Nolasco, who made it his business to free Christian slaves and formed an order made of knights who guarded the coast during their duty and sang in a choir when off-duty.
St. Peter Nolasco is said to have seen seven strange lights glowing for four consecutive Saturdays over the same place; these lights would drop from the sky and land in the same place each time. St Peter Nolasco ordered his men to dig there, and they found "a clock of prodigious size bearing a beautiful image of the Virgin Mary," so he ordered that an altar be built there.